Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rapid City

Well, we got here yesterday at about 3:00 and didn't finish moving are stuff in until 9:30!! Eek! It was horrible carrying all the heavy stuff up 3 flights of stairs, but we finally did it. Chris and I were rather tired so falling asleep in the new place wasn't difficult at all. He even fell asleep under the bed when he was hooking up the power cord for our alarm clocks. I was going to take a picture, but our camera is packed somewhere :)

Here is our living room..I'm pretty excited because it is so much bigger than the living rooms we've had in the past.

Here is our kitchen. They got us all brand new appliances so that's pretty stellar!

Here is the hallway to the bedrooms. It's going to be nice to have a spare bedroom.

Now comes the long and tedious duty of unpacking. I'd better go get started :) Have a great weekend everyone!!

1 comment:

Abby said...

Have fun, dear, and keep the updates coming.

And... yay for new appliances, huh?