Friday, January 11, 2008

Public speaking blows...

Well, the cat's out of the bag...I HATE talking in front of people. I have a tendency to get up in front of the class, and pass out shortly before it is my turn to talk. All the while, my group members just stare in awe because they have no f'in clue what in the heck just happened.'s humorous if you think about it after the fact.

Another factor that makes it so funny, is that my brother is a national public speaking champion. My brother is a communications professor here at Dickinson State, and I am a communications failure. Haha... I don't know what it is, but I just can't do it. I've tried all the tricks, and none of them work. Picturing them naked just makes everything quite a bit more awkward if you ask me.

Crazy things is...I LOVE TO TALK! (Only when it's not about my feelings and all that shitty jazz) I have sang in quite a few weddings, but not before I thought my heart was going to fail on me. So, performing in front of people is a rather hard task for me. *Brie, I have a feeling that you are the one that is laughing because I referred to it as "performing in front of people," and gosh I think you're great..haha* But for real, I really have a fear of it.

So, this is all leading up the fact that I have a Business Plan competition in Grand Forks, and I really don't want to go. The presentation is 20 minutes long, and I really just don't want to do it. It is this coming Monday-Wednesday, so I was hoping I could talk you ladies into hoping and praying for me that I don't pass out. I really could care less about winning, because I was forced to enter the competition and I really didn't want to make it. I just don't want to pass out in front of 300+ people. Please support me in your mind...thank you ladies!!!

1 comment:

brie said...

Well, I LOVE performing in front of people, but for fifty bucks a pop, of course. :) I'll definitely be praying/thinking/sending good vibes your way! I'm so sorry you got forced into this lame competition...but just remember to breathe - and also remember that you'll never see any of those people again, and that they're all a bunch of deusch packers, so who cares anyway, right? Good luck babe!